Blog Entries
New Admin Welcome Page

You may notice some changes on the Admin Welcome Page. In order to improve access to help, information, videos, etc.

The site administration welcome page is the first page you see when clicking on the admin link on your website. It is the Yellow Color Tab marked welcome in your site administration.

We have revamped the Admin Welcome Page with an integrated forum, knowledge based that is now part of your site administration, and a video strip that will show new videos we publish.

Some Highlights of this update include;

  • Site Owner to Owner Help forum - Site creators across our network of 40,000 websites can now have their own person place to post and communicate with each other. This makes it much easier, then having to go to our main forums for member to member help.
  • Suggestion Box - Often we have some great suggestions but not enough feedback to determine if the suggestion has enough value to make it into an update. With the suggestion forum you can rate topics and post your feedback on suggestions posted by other site owners.
  • Our Knowledge Base is now located directly on your website that makes it easier for you to reference how-to info, tutorials, examples, etc. Plus we can directly link to parts of your site to make it easier to illustrate information in our examples.
  • Help Videos will display all videos in one place. This makes it much easier to find and access videos on working with your site content, theme design and more.

Some other changes that are a result of this update.

  • We will be disconnecting our main forums on our website, this will be effective right away since we are centralizing help and information. (Don't worry we have kept all posting information)
  • The Knowledge Base info will be removed from our main website as well since it has been moved to be accessible directly from your website.
  • There is a new option for Forums that allows you to disable the forums to update them or keep it disabled. Admins will see the forums to edit and can control them while disabled but members and visitors will see a customizable offline message.
  • We have also addressed a couple bug fixes with site creation and we have corrected an issue with transferring funds to other members.

Please provide us with your feedback on this topic. Off-Topic comments will be deleted.

Member Box Element Part 2

First we would like to thank everyone for your feedback and support on our new member box element we released yesterday, this was just a small taste of what is coming when the new member system is fully released. We have added some new changes to the member box element with more to come.

These changes include the option to only display members that have uploaded a profile image and the addition of displaying top forum posters and top site gallery contributors.

The member box displays member profile pics revolving around top activities. The member box is added by going to your website administration, then click on the blue tab labeled content, then click on add element for the page you want to add the member box element too select the Members Category then Member Box.

There is allot of customization you can do with your website by using the tools and structure we have put in place. As an example we have a code snip on how to change the size of the Member Pics in the member box elements that is shown here. Almost every part of your website can be really customized using CSS, and other custom code areas features we have in place on your website, To learn more about advanced customization visit our developer community website.

Please tell us your ideas on what other activity choices you would like to see the member box display.

New Member Element Released!
We have released a brand new element that gives a taste of what we have in store for the member system update we are hard at work on. You can find the new element in the Member Elements category of your element library and it is called Member Box.  It is a brand new styling structure for displaying members on your site. It gives a very flexible tile layout with additional options and information when any member image is hovered over. You can also choose from several options of criteria for what members to display; from recent visitors to upcoming birthdays.

The way that members are displayed in this new Member Box is planned to be carried over to other parts of the site for displaying members as well. This will include the new updated profile pages and system which should be out before summer. Try out the new Member Box element and provide us with your feedback.

The new User Pics used in the Member Box are very flexible with their styling, an example of that that you can easily do on your site is shown here with a custom modifier you can add to your site to change the size of the User Pics.

PS - We are still working on adding more options to the member box, give us your suggestions and we will try to include it in the options.
Email Confirmation Options & Member System Update

In anticipation of our new member profile system that is coming soon, we have been making changes to our software core revolving around member registration, authentication systems and the like that is required for an update as large as the member system upgrade. As such we have added a new option where you can now set the time required for people to confirm their email address when joining and using your website.

Previously there was a built in grace period of 3 or 4 days until a user was required to confirm there email before posting or participating on a website. The problem with this is some of our sites have issues with users registering over and over to harasses. Now you can set the confirmation delay to requiring users to confirm their email right away or wait longer before a user must confirm their email account. This is just one of many of the new flexibility features coming to our member system.

You can set your email confirmation options by logging into your website, click on the site properties option and look for the box that says Site Permission Options. Within that box you can control a number of global site access options.

Overview of some new features coming as part of the member system upgrade

  • Complete Rewrite of the member profile system (Still will have drag and drop and the features you love)
  • No More Global Profiles (Enables full admin control over profiles, profiles can be copied to other sites you join)
  • Complete Admin Control (Site Administrators will be able to manage user profiles like they are their own or turn profiling completely off)
  • Member Created Groups (Users and/or Site Admins can create groups for other members to join)
  • New Notification System (Helps keep users informed about changes on their profile page)
  • More Customization (Custom Friend Naming, Page Element Control, Create your own Widget Box Gallery)

Remember, you can now promote your website within our network of websites by visiting http://spruz.com_name?page=account&cmd=sponsor


Like any updates please let us know about problems, and issues by using our support tickets. Click on the support option located in the top right hand corner of your site admin, do not post issues in comments as they will be deleted. You feedback is greatly appreciated!

New Feature to promote your website

Have you ever wanted to generate more traffic or get links on other websites but you do not have the budget for it? With this in mind we have opened up the ability to sponsor websites. Site Sponsors help support our platform while give a low cost method to promote your site and gives you more back links to your website. Back links helps search engines index your site more often and our site sponsorship ad placements write in plain text within the sites HTML markup thus making it easier for search engines to read about your website on a site you sponsor.

You can Sponsor websites for as little as $5.00 per month and that will place you on several websites in our network. You select the category, setup your spot and our system does the rest. Our system finds sites in our network for you to sponsor. We even list the websites our system matches you with so you can check out your sponsorship spot.

To top this off we are also giving 5 free site sponsorship slots to all members with upgraded website plans. So if you have a upgraded website you can promote your self on a few websites for free!!

Go to http://spruz.com_name?page=account&cmd=sponsor to get started.

Upgrade your website today to any plan and get 5 free sponsorship slots for the life of your upgrade. Details on the free spots will be displayed on the site sponsorship page.

Like anything new it may have some bugs, please let us know about any problems or issues you may see.


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