Blog Entries
Spruz Platform Developer Community Launched
Category: Community News
Welcome to all of our developers who are interested in designing for and growing with the Spruz Platform. We have put together this site for two main reasons. One is to have a place for each of you to discuss solutions to problem, share ideas and generally be a help to each other.  The other is to provide a resource to developers that we can build upon with your help and add the information that you request.

In the spirit of development and design we put the theme together for this site in a live webinar that we recorded and put online. It is in two parts which are linked below.
Theme Design Webinar Part 1
Theme Design Webinar Part 2

As promised here's a download link for this site's theme file. You can import it into any site of yours that uses the Spruz Platform, and tinker with it if you want to see the final result of the work done in the webinars.

We have also started things out with the Resource Library, which you can get to by clicking on the Resource link in the navigation, by adding copy and paste code for the 9 Slice modifier that we created for this site.  You can edit it to your needs, replacing the image paths and detentions in the CSS code.
Element 9 Slice (Custom Modifier Code)

That's all for now, feel free to comment and use the forums to let us know how we are doing, what you want to see more of and start swapping ideas.
Last Webinar Video
Here is the video from our last webinar video:

We have a follow-up webinar Wednesday 3/25 at 5pm EDT. To register please click the link below.
There will be some software to install in order to join the webinar, but it is completly free and perfectly safe. Please join us for our webinar. 
Calling all Designers! (Theme Packaging Released)

Spruz ( has released theme packaging, thus adding full support for sharing and distributing themes for websites powered by the Spruz Platform. Users that create sites on the Spruz platform can design a theme or customize a starter theme, then chose to export it. When a theme is exported, all the associated files are put into a zip archive including Style Sheets, and Images that go with that theme. Once a theme is exported the user can then download the package and give or sell the package to another user or publish the theme so anyone on the Spruz platform can apply it to their site with one click.

The Spruz theme packaging opens new doors for designers and artists, you can publish a theme for the community that will be added to our theme library. From the theme library users can see all the themes that have been created by other users/designers. Our new theme library will feature a way to rate themes and keep track of how many times a certain theme has been installed. We will also have a pay theme section where designers can place themes for sale from $1.00 to $120 dollars.

Our number one demand from our users are themes. It is the top feature request we see from our users, and now with our theme packaging it makes it easier to create and share themes.

The Spruz platform is a website platform that allows anyone to create fully dynamic websites with social features. Spruz activates over 250 new websites and over 1000 new members join the Spruz network every day.

Join us for our webinar just for this release this Sunday 3/22 at 12PM EDT. This webinar will focus on designing themes for other users, using our design tools, and Photoshop.

To register

We have added full help to the design editor as well. You can view help on the design editor by clicking the questions mark icon in the design editor and we have added site creator discussion element that allows you to post topics and reply to topics created by other users, the site creator discussion is located on your welcome page of your site administration.

Do you want more themes?

This is a pretty straight forward question and we need your help. We need to attract independent designers that see an opportunity to create free and pay themes for our network. We are finished with our Theme packaging system that makes it easy to share themes and we will be launching our developer community site in the next few days.

In the next few days we will be posting a press release titled "Calling all Designers" that will have information about designing themes for our platform. We ask you all to DIGG the posts that we make to bring our more attention to our platform so we may attract talented people to create high quality designs.

We thank you in advance for your support!

Last Webinar Video
This is a recording from our webinar from last Saturday. It covers customizing your own theme.

We have another webinar planned for this Saturday at 5pm EDT until 6pm EDT, you are not required to call in or using a headset. Our webinars allow you to interact with us in real time, including responding to polls, asking questions that are important to you and so on.

The topic of the next webinar is about setting up content and adding your own custom HTML and Scripting from other sources.

To register visit


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