Plan Price - what does it control?


I am hoping someone can explain this to me.  I asked in a support ticket and did not understand the answer.  When I went for clarification, I still did not understand what it is, what it controls or what I should or should not enter there.

here are the details:

I have the subscription module.

In the Your Site/ Member Subscriptions/Subscription Settings area... right under where you select the currency you want to use (US dollar, etc) there is a box that says "Plan Price" and it has a "5" in it.


The subscription module only allows you to have one subscription level. 

You can have 9 different levels of permissions set up, but you can only have one level for paid subscriber access connected to the subscription module.  I can charge a one time, or a recurring charge, to access my site at a single level of access. 

If that cost is 120 for one year, I have the option of allowing them a one time payment of $120, a quarterly payment of $30, monthly payment of $10, etc. But there is just one price I can set.

I do not have the option of having a $75 a year subscription for limited access, a $120 a year subscription for more features and access, and for power users a $200 a year subscription to be able to access all features.  Just one price for access - the variable is how the subscriber wants to break down paying that fee for access.  I set one subscriber level that is connected to this one price they pay.

So there is this "plan price" box
- given that it is only possible to have a single level of subscriber... what does this box control? 

Is is suppose to be the same number as the Granted Access Level that the subscribers will get?  (in my page set up below, my subscribers are coming in at level 2)

Do I leave it as a 5,

change it to something else???

How do I know when to alter this and why I would alter this?  It seems like it is relating to being able to have differing price levels, but that is not an option, so I just don't understand it.

many many thanks... this is taking a lot longer to sort out all the basics than I ever imagined!  Kinda thought this was an use it right out of the box product, but it turns out it isn't... am wondering if it makes more sense to go back to wordpress...

Thanks for any input on this - I tried to upload a picture but it would not let me - that and the inability to get support ticket window to open about 50% of the time and a few other things also make me wonder if this is a good option to use for people who are paying to have access.

If anyone knows how I can get 3 different subscription levels:

  • basic with an access level of 2 attached to it
  • premium with an access level of 4 attached to it
  • gold with an access level of 6 attached to it

I would really appreciate the info.  As it stands everyone, will get level 2 and then I will have to manually compare each new member to what they paid and manually set their subscription level each time someone joins or renews... seems like lots of hands on management...

Thanks very much!




  • I don't personally have the member subscription installed, though I did at one time. It sounds like that box is referring to the access level that purchasing a subscription will result in for the people who do so.

    Can you screen shot what you are talking about and post it here?

  • Hi I have the same problem and the only way around it for me is to use Paypal buttons wherever it is possible to copy and paste html codes. Tony

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