Password Protect a page?

Is there any way that I can password protect a page of my site? 



  • There isn't really a feature like that directly, but you could pretty easily just create a page with a certain access level, and then set your "select few" members you'd like to see the page to that same access level. It would essentially be the same concept as giving them a password, only they'd not have to actually type one in since you gave them the right access level.

  • Thank you

  • You can go into your site manager and it will let you pick which level you want a member to have from 0 to super admin. Just click on there name and pick which level you want them to have level 0 to super admin.  I suggest only you being a super admin and others being just a member or have only certain ones being a site admin and you being a super admin

    With me every one is a member which is level 1 but only 3 others are admins and one is a super admin and the super admin is only me 

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