Blog Entries
New Event System is ready for you to try!

The new and improved events page has been released and is ready for you to add to your website! Our new event system does not upgrade the current event calendar, and must be added by clicking on new page then selecting Event Page from the list.

Some Features you will enjoy!

  1. 3 Different Event Types
    1. Announcement - This is for posting events that do not require action by a participant
    2. Standard Event - Full Event type with RSVP, Location, and many other options
    3. Pay Event - Built-in event registration and payment for event RSVP. Integrated with PayPal. We are the only social website  platform that offers this built in.
  2. Integrated payments for Pay events that allow the event user to set the PayPal email address for payments. All Payments come directly to you, NO REV SHARE.
  3. Customizable Options for controlling access for who can create events and what type of events they can create.
  4. Easy to read view to see upcoming events, past events or just your events
  5. Event Approval Options
  6. Settings for controlling when commenting on an event is open
  7. Settings for who can comment on your event
  8. Address or website URL box for giving the location of your event. Includes a link to Google Maps for directions.
  9. Rich text editor for detailed event descriptions with image uploading.
  10. Fully element based allowing you to move around some sections of the event calendar to your liking.

This release is Beta of the Event Page/System and some features could not make it in this release but will be added over the next 30-90 days. Coming soon features include;

  1. Event Photo tagging allowing users to post photos from your events and display the photos on the event view.
  2. Event Preview Photo Selector (Coming Really Soon)
  3. Exportable Calendar ICS file for automatically adding an event to your own calendar on programs like Outlook.
  4. Event Inviting Features
  5. Mass Message Attendees
  6. Private Events

We hope everyone enjoys this new event system. It is just one of many new features we are working towards to finish this year with a bang!!


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