Making Great Money With eBooks on the Internet

No longer do you have to fear your book arriving on an editor's desk the Sqribble Review day of a hangover. The success of your book is now up to the whim of the buying public, not that of an editor going through a divorce. No longer must you send your book to several dozen publishers hoping for an acceptance before you finally admit defeat and go checkbook in hand to the vanity press publishers. I'm not going to try to convince you that you'll make the same money as say, Stephen King, but you can upload your book for free to the Amazon.

Com Kindle Store and enjoy a royalty rate of 35% on every book sold; that's a better rate than any first-time writer is apt to get from the brick and mortar publishers. More e-book publishers are coming online all the time. Expect that royalty rate to get better with competition. And best of all you will no longer have to risk alienating friends and family by begging them to buy your book in a desperate attempt to win back some of the money you spent publishing the thing. 

If the 35% or so you get from an e-book publisher doesn't make you happy, you can set up your own website and charge whatever you want for book downloads. If you're one of those special folks who doesn't care about the money and only wants their ideas to get out to the public, you can let people have your book for free without taking the food out of your kids' mouths publishing the thing. You can even spend some of that saved money searching for customers with pay-per-click advertising. Don't wait any longer to write or publish that book you've been agonizing over. You have a chance now of making it big. 

Of course the odds are against you, but as the old saying goes, "You can't win the prize unless you play the game." Remember, it took more than just talent to propel the bestselling authors out of obscurity; luck played a big part too. Maybe it's your turn to be discovered. Publishing your work on the Internet gives you the chance to play the game and win the prize. Some of the best ideas are left unshared because there is no avenue to express them with the rest of the world. These days, you can not only share your thoughts but actually make money out of it. There are several ways to make your inkblots known and one of these is through writing eBooks and selling them to the public.





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  • Ebooks have become a popular way to make money on the internet. With the ease of self-publishing, anyone can write and distribute an ebook. If you have knowledge or expertise in a particular area, you can share that knowledge with others through an ebook and make great money. The internet has made it easier than ever to market and sell ebooks. To get started, you should research your niche and find out what people are looking for. Writing mind-expanding books to read or books that will change your life is a great way to attract readers and create a loyal following. If you're looking for some great mind-expanding books to read, you should visit to find some excellent recommendations. Remember, writing and selling ebooks can be a lucrative business if you do it right.

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