Blog Entries
Event Elements and Improvements

We have rolled out a few new improvements and added 2 event elements to go with the new event system. As many of your know we rolled out a new event page/system last week. We have had a good chance to collect some great feedback from our users.

You will now notice 2 new elements in the feature element category;

  1. Mini Calendar - Self explanatory, this allows you to place a calendar that is linked to the new event system
  2. Event Box - The event box allows you to place an element that displays different information from your events. You can create as many event boxes as you want and set unique information options, similar to how the Members and Videos boxes work.

Other improvements and adjustments

  1. New Email form editor has been deployed for the new management bar system. The new email form editor is more free form, thus giving you greater control over how your email forms look.
  2. The Main Blog page element now has options to control the page size, so that you can set how many blog entries a person can view before clicking to the next page.
  3. Videos and Site Photos pages now display the number of comments on a video or photo in the search/list view

We are getting close to releasing the new management bar to all websites, if you have not done so already you are welcomed to switch your website over to the new management bar at anytime.


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