Blog Entries
Site Update V1.20

All sites have been updated to our latest version 1.20 that includes some really exciting changes! This update included mainly improvements to the Layout Generator making it easier for users to change colors and add images, also included in this update are several other improvements to some commonly used areas and many long awaited fixes.

The update included;

  • New Auto Color Selection on the Layout Generator. This new addition will make it much easier for our users to make large color scheme changes to your layout.
    You will notice a small box that has new color selection. If you are feeling lazy you can click on the small icon above the color boxes to do one color auto selecting. This makes it easier for you to update whole color schemes in minutes.

  • No more image favorites! Thanks to user feedback we have designed an easier way to add your own images in the Layout Generator! Now when clicking on an image you can just add your images to the layout generator. This will load a box with a list of your sites file system.
  • Page Builder Updates! We have made some small additional changes to the Page Builder. A new add content button has been added to the content areas of element based pages to make it easier to add content to the different sections of our site element pages.
  • Now protect your pages by setting some pages to allow only Group Members to access them. This was added now because it was a highly requested feature our users wanted. Go to edit properties on any link and set the access to group in order to enable this feature.
  • Other updates included fixes to core systems to help improve page load time.

Remember we are a small team. We have large plans for features we work hard on every day. We decide what features to add based on complexity, user demand, and time. Let us know how you think we are doing by taking a few minutes to enter some FEEDBACK. Believe it or not we do read everyone's comments and take them to heart!



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