Blog Entries
Community Spotlight, Week of 5-10-10

I hope you've all had a wonderful week! Let's get started right away...

Community of the Week

This week's featured community is the Texas Tea Room. It was created by The Texas Tea Room (fancy that!), and is a digital hang out for musicians and anyone looking to relax.

When you first visit The Texas Tea Room you're welcomed by a mellow playlist of music which automatically sets the tone for the rest of your visit. Content wise a short description of what you'll find on the site is seen on the left hand side, explaining why the site was created and how visitors can get involved. The mood is further set by a slide show displaying the trailer park of the month, a quirky and fun way to show visitors that the website has regular content updates.
As you visit the rest of the site the mood set at the very beginning carries through to the end. Each page has a purpose that can add value while still staying true to the relaxed atmosphere. A sense of identity will keep visitors on your site longer, and get them to come back for more.
Congratulations once again to everyone at The Texas Tea Room!
There are six more weeks to go before the community will once again vote for the top Community of the Week! If you'd like a shot at our next round of rewards post an introduction that follows the guidelines we've provided.
Suggestion of the Week
This week's suggestion comes from Aareuz, who would like to see an easy to use built in option to add background music to their site. He recommends added functionality like the option to play a random song from five you select, changing the experience each time someone visits a page. Is this something you'd like to see added?
As always we want to hear what you think about each idea. If you've thought of a feature you'd like to see added to the Spruz platform feel free to post it in the Idea Room. Remember to make it as detailed as possible; all topics must be approved before they'll appear.
Tip of the Week
Wingman has posted a tip that's very important for anyone who owns a website. They suggest that anyone who uses a computer with a screen resolution higher than 1024 x 768 reduce it to that level and visit their site. 1024 x 768 is the current web standard, and anything larger can cause problems for a huge part of your user base.
What's your opinion? Post a response or a tip of your own in our Tips and Tricks forum.
Updates to Forums, Groups, Support and More

For the last week we have focused our development on some key areas that our users have requested in forums and usability improvements we have identified through support tickets. Here are the updates:

Member Email Notifications

We are continuing our improvements to the e-mail notifications users receive for activity related to them on your community. Users can now receive notifications to their email for updates to conversations they are a part of, when others comment on content they have added (photos, videos, etc), forum threads they have started, when their content is featured, friend requests and much more. Users can now manage what they receive notifications for from their account settings.


We added the option to edit signatures directly on forum posts. Now users do not need to go to a forum settings page to edit their signature, they can access the feature directly on any of their forum posts. By doing this we have also been able to make it easy for forum moderators to edit an offensive user signature as well.

We have removed the forum avatar option. The user pic shown in the forums is now the same as everywhere else on the site; the user’s profile picture.

Under the forums search box we have replaced the forum settings link with a “My Subscriptions” link. This shows all the current threads the user is subscribed to, gives them quick access to see updates and gives them an easy way to unsubscribe if they desire.


We have improved the way you approve members that are waiting to join your groups. Now the Approve/Decline option is directly on the page and easily accessible, instead of having to hover over the user pic to see the option. We have also improved group creation to give better feedback for errors when creating a group, such as already having a group by the same name.

Profiles / Members

We added a way to quickly see user’s answers to your member questions from the Manage Members area. Just click on the edit option next the member to show what they answered. This can be done for pending members as well if you wish to filter out who joins your network due to how they answer your questions.

An option to disable users editing their profiles has been added to the profile settings page. Super Admins will still be able to edit profiles as needed when editing is turned off for users.

Support System

The support area has been re-designed to make options such as replying to an existing ticket and opening a new one for a new issue more obvious. This, along with other improvements we have made to ticket management on our end, will make the support system more efficient; meaning we will be able to answer you and solve any issues faster than ever.

Dialog and Settings Windows

In this update we have also worked to standardize all the dialog and settings pop-up windows to work the same way as the site management windows. This improves user experience for things such as the Rich Text Editor element, allowing you to resize and move the editing window to give you a more flexible work environment.

Additional Adjustments and Fixes

Control what people can edit on their profiles: You have a some newoptions in your Profile settings allow you to control if members can add elements, widgets and move elements.

Viewing Custom Questions: When you view a member in your in your Member Management area you can now quickly view the answers to your custom questions. This comes in handy if you don't use the about me element on profiles or you member has removed that element.

Blog Page Style Fixes: We have adjusted the blog page style and structure to give better separation between blog entries and also make them easier to target with custom CSS for extended styling flexibility.

Image and Appearance Fixes: We have fixed issues with specific images being used in the Appearance customization. This addresses several issues that were possible when using images with UPPERCASE file extensions and in the custom CSS and modifiers if you had quotes around your image URL.


Performance Improvements

Due in a large part to the latest influx of former Ning users, we have put a high priority on making sure page load time on the platform is not effected as our user base grows. In this update we have made several core optimizations that should greatly improve consistency in page load time moving forward and keep the sites snappy for you and your members.


As with any major update there is a chance for problems and issues. If you encounter issues please let us know about them in a support ticket. DO NOT post issues in comments. We welcome your feedback

Community Spotlight, Week of 5-3-10

After the finale of our first Community of the Week competition it's time once again for a Community Spotlight!

Community of the Week

This week's featured community is the Natural Horse Network, or NHN. It was created by DC2010 as a community site for their website about horses.

We all know the saying "Nothing in life is free", but with the advent of the web that notion seemed to have been put on its head. Users expect content to be free, but web owners still have to pay the bills to keep it active. Many sites have gone with the traditional approach of advertisements being displayed on their pages, but there's been a lot of interest lately in another method, which is selling products directly targeted at the site's user base. The Natural Horse Network has done just that.
If I were to leave it at that you might think that the creators of NHN were greedy people out there for nothing more than money, but it's most certainly not the case. A quick visit to their site will show you that they have a passion for horses. Expanding this to a business is a very natural -- and savy -- progression. If you enjoy something enough and are good at what you do why not create a community for those who are just like you. When you recommend products to them they will appreciate it as you're fulfilling a need they have. A community site (such as those made possible by the Spruz platform) provides a place for people to discuss their passions, and for you to advertise. It's a mutual relationship that both parties benefit from.
Congratulations once again to DC2010 and everyone at the Natural Horse Network! Stop by their introduction page for more information.
There are seven more weeks to go before the community will once again vote for the top Community of the Week! If you'd like a shot at our next round of rewards post an introduction that follows the guidelines we've provided.
Suggestion of the Week
This week's suggestion comes from OhioGamerz who suggests that event creators be able to upload an image for their event. He proposes that a small change like this could potentially make events and sites overall appealing to both members and nonmembers alike. Voice your opinion, be it for or against the suggestion.
As always we want to hear what you think about each idea. If you've thought of a feature you'd like to see added to the Spruz platform feel free to post it in the Idea Room. Remember to make it as detailed as possible; all topics must be approved before they'll appear.
Tip of the Week
This week's tip posted by CH Staff is a question as well: should you discourage lurking on your site, and if so how would it be done? CH Staff believes that it can damaging to their community if they have a large number of inactive accounts as it makes it easier for spammers and those from other sites trying to poach community members. On the flip side a benefit of keeping them on your site is that it appears larger, encouraging new users to get active.
What's your opinion? Post a response or a tip of your own in our Tips and Tricks forum.
Inbox Changes and an update on Email Notifications

Some Inbox changes have been made because, many people have brought up some interesting issues with understanding how the internal email system works when a person is a member of more then one website.

Traditionally this system was designed to aggregate your messages from all sites so if you were anywhere in the network you could manage all of your messages from any Spruz powered website.

Unfortunately many people found this confusing, so in order to solve this problem your main Inbox will only display messages for the network you are on. We still want to alert you when you have messages from other networks, when you have unread messages sent to you from other websites in the network will notice an "Other Networks" category directly below the Inbox category that will also display the number of unread messages.

More Email Notifications changes are coming, we are completing our latest round of improvements to this to add a greater level of control over the types of notices you receive from network activity in one easy to use location. You should expect to see this change rolled out over the weekend or by Monday at the latest.

In addition to the above, I like to remind everyone we have made range of small adjustments or fixes that you may or may not notice.

Be Well everyone!

Network Maintenance is over. Thank you

First we want to thank everyone for your patience during our maintenance period, our datacenter maintenance took longer then planned. This maintenance was enforced by our datacenter due to an power related issue, thus causing them to have to move over half of our hardware to a new floor in the building. If we left this unchecked we would have had some major unplanned outage issues.

We want to take this time to address some common questions about downtime.

  1. How often does this happen? The last time we had downtime that lasted more then 30 minutes was about 6 months ago and was an unplanned outage. No matter how you try or how much redundancy you have in place, things fail.
  2. Do you give notice? We do when we have advance warning of a problem or repair, we issue notices within our with Newsletters, and admin announcements in your Admin Alerts on your site. We do this so you can pass the word to your people. We ask you to make sure you have set as a safe sender so our mail does not get flagged as spam.
  3. Do you give credit for downtime? If you are a paying enterprise client we do credit in relation to downtime you experience. We use the following formula: 1 day credit for each 30 minutes of network downtime. By having this type of penalty in place keeps us in check with complete network downtime

Once again we thank you for your support and patience. Should be smooth sailing from here on out!


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