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Full Front End Editing added to new management system

Full Front End Editing added to new management system

About a week ago we rolled out our new management bar for our users to try it out and provide us with feedback, before we roll this update out to all of our websites. The new management bar will replace the way our websites are managed, within the next week or two after we feel convertible with how the new management system functions for all users. New websites created as of this week are setup with the new management bar. The goal behind this is to continue adding improvements and features to offer you the most complete, but easy to use social website solution on the net.

Today we have applied a new update to the management bar system that incorporates full front end real time page editing. This feature is something we have wanted to add to our website platform for a long time, and today it is finally a reality. This update allows you to add, edit and move elements around on a real view of the page you are on, at the same time we have a page layout option to overcome some cases where html or code added be the website administrator may break the front end editing features.

Take a moment to watch a short video about how it functions.

Another feature you may see added soon is a new undock option on elements to allow you to drag and position them anywhere on a page outside the preset pay layout zones.

As with any update please report bugs and issues in a support ticket, we request your feedback about how the new management system operates to be posted on our New Website Administration Bar Feedback topic in our Owner Support Community Forums.

We are really looking forward to your feedback so that we may get this completed and continue rolling out the new features we have instore.

New Site Intro Changes
Category: Annoucements

We have made some adjustments with how site intros are displayed. Now you can add your own custom page html complete with body and meta information, in turn this will cause the intro page to ignore the Style Sheet for your website. This way if you wanted to display a different background in your HTML code as an example, you can do this much easier now. Thus Allowing a greater level of intro customization.

If you are using the new management bar, when saving your intro you will be redirected to your intro page to get a preview of how it would look to new users visiting your website.

System Maintenance Next 24-48 hours

 Over the next 24-48 hours we will be performing updates and changes to our platforms file system structure. During this period you may notice issues related to member profile photos and member photo galleries. Currently our system uses a central depository for member photos if the member has not uploaded a profile photo to a given website they are a member on. As one part of this update we are changing it so that only photos will display for a member photo on a member on your website will be if they have uploaded a photo on your website. This will result in some members no longer having a profile photo on your website until one is uploaded by that member. The reason behind this change is to give the site owner control over removing member profile photos that are not allowed for your given website.

New Website Manager System ready for you to try out

 Are you ready for a new and improved way to manage your website? We are a few week away from rolling out our new website administration bar. Before we do we have opened it up for you to help us test it and get feedback.

The new website administration bar will replace the backend administration area, giving you a new and improved experience when editing and customizing your website along with a few other new additions on the site management end of things.

  • New front end style editing, no more having to enter your website administration area to manage your website.
  • More intuitive menu structure from updating, maintaining and getting help with your website.
  • New administrator announcements area to keep you informed on new updates, tips, and other news happening throughout the network.
  • Full page manager that is clearer and easier to understand. This will make it easier for you to locate pages that need editing.

Our goal with the website administration bar is to make things easier for new users to use our platform for social website creation. The new website administration area combines what we have learned over the past 3 years about how people use their website and with feedback from users that decided not to continue with their website with us.

As a result we have released a platform update today you can optionally switch to the new website administration bar and help us improve it through your collective feedback. We will be fully release the new website administration bar to all websites by the end of this month.

Like we have experienced in the past, we know change can be hard for some people. But this update is about moving the platform forward. When giving us feedback ether positive or negative please provide information to back up your feedback so that we can make adjustments and improvements.

If you want to take part in trying out the new website administration bar on your website, you can do so by visiting your website management welcome page. On that page you will see a link Use New Website Manager.

Please post all feedback, bugs, and suggestions in our Website Administration Bar topic on our Owner Community Forums.

New Members Search Page Released

In order to further polish our platform we have rolled out a new and improved member search page. This largest improvements include a new look, options you can customize, and more.

New Edit options button on the box containing the member. With the edit options you can customize the header, how many members to display per page, what you want people to see, and the format of the information returned.

Pick the information you want to display - Select from displaying age, custom status, location, register date and last time that person visited the website.

Change the result style - Pick from table, card, title, small and list formats or with custom CSS create your own. Each option changes the way the information is structured. For example selecting table will list the information in a Table format with a table header for each column.


To apply the new member page to your website, first delete your old member search page. Then go to your content builder, click on New Page then select Member List/Search page and follow the steps. That's it, once completed you will have all the features and detailed here.


Make sure you check out New Features Coming Soon post that tells about all the new goodies coming soon.


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