Blog Entries
Instant Messaging Beta is ready!

Today we have applied a new platform update that adds a number of improvements and a new feature to your website. Instant messaging and Chat are the top requested feature every time we put out a poll about it or ask for feature feedback. So as a result of your feedback Chat and Instant Messaging was moved to the top of our development list and now the IM features are ready for you to use on your website! We will have a full chat room ready for you to try out in the next week or so.

The IM feature has its own settings page for customizing how IM works on your website.  The IM Footer bar gives some customization options such as displaying a search box, friends list, or displaying the option to go offline. In the future we will be adding Games, Announcements, and other options to that you can enable for use with the IM bar. Plus like all sections of your website the IM and Footer Bar can be fully customized with CSS.

Keep in mind the Instant Messaging Feature is being released as beta, thus you must enable it on your website you if you would like to use it. The IM settings are located in the Settings Menu when you are in your website management mode. IM may have bugs, problems, or cause unforeseen problems, but with your help by reporting bugs in a support ticket will help us fix problems for everyone. If you are not too keen on using beta features, then we recommend waiting a few weeks before enabling the IM features.

The management area Site Activity page has been given a face lift with new graphs to show statistical information about your network. This is a new enhancement that will be expanded upon over the next few months, but is a good start in showing you better insight into your websites activity.

Page load time and performance is a top priority for us at Spruz as we work on new features and improvements. We have made a number of core system adjustments to accommodate our growth to further insure quick page load times, some of these adjustment include fully removing old phased out systems that have been replaced by newer, better designed features.

Growing your website
Category: Community News

This is a very common question that is asked. "How do I get members?", the answer to this is not always an easy one but we want to help you with some resources you can use.

First read our forum post "Building a Successful Website from the Start", once you have your website created with the right focus in mind, look for other people that share your interests through forums, blogs, YouTube, Twitter and so on. If you have built a contact list make sure you use your websites inviting features to invite them to visit and join your website. If people enjoy what you are providing, they will invite their friends and your site will begin to grow thanks to the people you invite.

Next take some time and promote your web address. There are a number of sites where you can post some details and a link back to your website.

Some quick examples of sites you can use to get your web address out there; - Make a post in a category like services telling others about your website. - This is just one of many Link directory sites on the net. You can post a free link in most of them.

In time as you continue to work on your website it will gain search rank and show up well from related web searches, read our "How to get your website to show in search engines"

We hope this helps you, if you have suggestions on how to help someone build membership please post a comment about it.

Updated Weekly Q&A Webinars "CANCELED"
Category: Community News

Due to the low registration number we have decided to cancel all General Q&A webinars. Instead we are going to make the time investment into releasing more feature related videos to our videos help section.

We had hoped users would see value in joining a webinar but too few people understand what a webinar is and finding a time of day that works best for everyone is just not feasible.

We will still hold webinars that are topic pacific revolving around development chats, new features and so on.

Remember to follow us on twitter at for the lastest in new feature development and improvements

New Website Management Applied to all websites
Category: Community News

If you have a website with us you may notice a pretty big change today when you go to manage your website with us. After many months of development and public beta testing we have fully released our new website management system to all websites. All new websites created over the last 30 days have already been using the new management system.

Spruz is a social network/website creation platform. Part of a next generation of websites that help you evolve from the old static websites. Now your clients, visitors, and prospects engage with your website rather then sit and listen to it.

The new management system "Management Bar" was designed to make updating and managing your website easier, faster or more intuitive.

Features of the new website management system;

  • Menus and Controls have been moved to a front end editing system.
  • Completely new management menu/navigation structure that loads at the top of your website, allowing you to navigate your actual website and customize your pages in real time.
  • Element pages now have full drag and drop directly on the actual page, plus a new This Page menu gives you a variety of options that only apply to the page you are viewing.
  • Customizing your websites look and feel has never been easier with our new design editor controls.
  • Add element based pages for building your own feature sections, add html pages or select from many of our built in features.
  • Undock elements for an unbelievable level of customization is a social website platform.
  • New Site Announcements right on your management bar with an icon that lights up when there is news, tips, and other information you have not read yet.
  • Full on site Appearance and Design editing. Change each part of your site's look and feel with a realtime preview.
  • A website Logo can now be added with an option to use it in place of your title text in your header. (this can be set, along with an optional sub-title on the site properties section.)

Join us for our Website Management Bar Webinar Today at 5pm EDT for a tutorial and Q&A about the new management bar.

To register go to

Webinars are free and allow you to see full video and hear audio. In addition we will be taking questions from people about the features, how to and tips while using audio and video to help illustrate and respond to a question.

New Website Manager Bar to be applied to all sites Monday

As many of you know, we have a new website management system that has been in beta testing over the last month. On Monday morning the 16th of November we will apply the new site management to all sites. Those of you that have elected to test it and anyone that has created a new website in the last 30 days will not notice any difference, since you have already been using the new management system. We still welcome you to apply the new management bar to your website early.

The new "Website Management Bar" is a replacement to the old backend administration system that has been a part of our platform for so long. Our goal is and always will be to provide you with the best social website creator that offers very robust features and functionality for all levels of users. The goal behind the new management bar was to make customizing your website easier, faster and more intuitive and based on the feedback we have received I think we have achieved this.

Some key improvements over the old way of administrating and customizing your website.

  • Full front end management menu bar, More intuitive menu structure making it easier update, maintain and getting help with your website.
  • Completely New Content Builder, with real on page drag and drop editing, element undocking and more!
  • Completely New Design Editor that features new options, easier to understand controls, dragable tool boxes, and much more!
  • New administrator announcements area to keep you informed on new updates, tips, and other news happening throughout the network.


On Monday morning we will put out another announcement that will have a full features list of the website management bar along with other important information. Remember this is still a new feature and will be under going continual development and improvement. We listen to you, give us your feedback and report problems for the good of all!

Join us for our Website Management Bar Webinar this Monday at 5pm EDT for a tutorial and Q&A about the new management bar.

To register go to

Webinars are free and allow you to see full video and hear audio. In addition we will be taking questions from people about the features, how to and tips while using audio and video to help illustrate and respond to a question.


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