To aide dieters in their losing weight, many  The Favorite Food Diet Review manufactures target dieters by promising you that their product will make weight loss a simple and effortless process. Even though the product may have some benefit, they are not the magic bullets that marketers make them out to be. If they were, everyone would flock to them and losing inches around your waist would be as simple as sliding on a sock.

Yet, even though it is not high tech, there is one simple practice that you can start doing right now to lose more weight, and that is to start drinking more water. This simple nutrient is typically overlooked when it comes to weight loss. This is probably because advertisers and manufacturers can't make money by marketing water as a weight loss supplement.

Regardless of whether or not marketers can make a buck off of it, research supports that water is an effective aid for losing weight. In one study performed in Berlin, the researchers showed that in normal-weight adults, drinking 500 ml of water (~16 ounces) resulted in a 30 percent increase in their metabolic rate that was sustained for more than an hour.
