What I share with clients is that purpose is the Why we are here Uncompromised Life Course Review on earth at this time. Our purposes changes, evolves as we change and evolve. The purpose of a baby is far different than a person who is in mid-life. Yet, upon reflection, we can many times see one thread that is with us from our teenage years. For me, it was being what I call a trail blazer on my road to success. And as I have continued to grow forward this trait is still very much present.

Within our purpose also resides our gifts. These are our strengths that we bring to the Table of Life. What is interesting to note is those gifts can also be our core values. For example, creativity is a gift, but it is also a core value, at least for me. Take the time to write down your purpose. This does demand that you truly reflect upon the years gone by as well as to the future ones yet to come. Initially, this will be a work in progress until you feel comfortable with your purpose statement. If you need help, find the book The On Purpose Person. By taking such action, you will live the words of someone whose work appeared on purpose and the added benefit is that you will master success.

"When Boise State Football Team gets on the field, they know why they are there and what they have to do to succeed." This was said by a former BSU Football coach as we discussed the presentations I had given to his deeply talented team compared to teams in the Western Athletic Conference (WAC). One clarification, talent has its place in life and people who are talented and use their talents well do succeed in extraordinary ways. What I want to make clear is that you can succeed in what you do even if you don't have talents.

I had given numerous motivational speeches and training sessions for both players and coaches at BSU since 1998. After the above statement, I started paying attention to the key aspects of individuals that required no talent, but lead to enormous success in professional and personal endeavors. My involvement with BSU Football has been one of the greatest experiences in life. 


