Still however, individuals taking up running to address sciatica should also keep in mind that such exercise only provides temporary pain most likely due to the deprivation of oxygen and it does not also provide permanent treatment for it. While many runners simply cope with the pain, others use pain killers and anti-inflammatory medications. If pills cannot solve the problem, some doctors will recommend surgery.

Some other people prefer to treat the cause of the problem rather than the symptomatic pain. These treatments include physical therapy, manual therapy, massage, and chiropractic treatments. Most people who seek complementary and alternative health care choose chiropractic treatment.

Chiropractic is a natural method that triggers a body's ability to heal. Vertebral subluxations have been implicated in many different types of leg pain. A chiropractic examination for subluxations can often trace the cause of sciatic pain directly to the spine. Sciatic pain is often addressed by correcting subluxations through adjustment.
