You can develop your ability to view your world differently. You can decide how circumstances will affect your life. You can develop better ways to perceive your reality. Don't look at things from one point of view; look at them from many points of view. Look at some of the things you want to do today and think of how many points of views you can look at them. Doing this daily exercise will help you improve this mental muscle.

There is a power flowing into you that can allow you to create big ideas. The power of your imagination is more powerful than all the nuclear power present in the world today. The ability to dream is probably one of the most under-used tools we have at our disposal. If you are like most people, this muscle was squashed when you were a kid. However, this mental muscle can be developed at any age. Understand that everything we have today was a picture/thought in the mind of one person at one time, even the company you work for. Go wild with your imagination, build a picture of how you want your life to be and put it on a piece of paper. Do this everyday.

This is the muscle that allows you to concentrate. Most people are easily taken off course because they have never developed this muscle. You have the power to mentally focus on your goals and never be taken off track because of your current circumstances, environment, or situation. A daily exercise to help you develop your concentration, it's the will you concentrate with. Put a black dot opposite your favorite chair; concentrate on that dot for 5 minutes. Bring your mind to concentrate on that dot till you become one with the dot. Don't feel bad if your mind wanders, but just bring it back to concentrate on that dot. You learn to concentrate on one thing; you will be able to concentrate on anything. All the pros in any field have the ability to concentrate. Concentration increases the amplitude of vibration and you will be able to give real power to your thoughts. Concentration is the key to success and it is done with the will.

Carrying excess fat is a heavy burden. And when it comes to belly fat it is not only ugly, but dangerous too. In fact, being overweight subjects you to many scary health conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease, and many other unwanted illnesses.In addition, having fat in the belly area causes your body to store fat in your liver. Fat in your liver makes your body resist insulin more. This makes you more prone to overeating and we all know that the more you eat, the more weight you'll gain. The more weight you gain, the more health problems you will have.
