Tip Number 6: Say NO to SODA! If you have a habit of having  Green Barley Plus Review sodas while watching TV or working, it's time to change it. Sodas are bad your dental and physical health and make you gain weight. So, just give up on sodas. Simply replace it with water. Actually, having 5 liters of water a day can help you lose weight very fast and hey, it's healthy! Tip Number 7: Snacks for a quick bite? NO! It's really comfy to sit on the couch, watch your favorite TV show and have your hand inside that potato chips bowl. Mars bars, snickers, chocolate, cookies, you name it, they are all troublemakers for your weight loss campaign! The best thing to do while watching TV? Stand up once in a while, stretch your arms and legs, you can even do some light exercise to help you lose weight faster!

Tip Number 8: WALK WALK WALK more! Don't just DRIVE to your work, to the school, to the park, to the supermarket, and to your backyard! Whenever you have to go to somewhere which is within your walking distance, just walk. Give your car a rest. Twenty minutes of walking everyday can give a tremendous boost to losing your weight fast. Walking burns calories fast and help you lose excess fat even! So, even if you can't go to gym and train seriously, just take advantage of your daily routine and walk more.

Tip Number 9: No Fast Food please! I know how tempting it is to just eat outside instead of painstakingly preparing a healthy meal at home. I'm sorry to break it to you but eating fast food is like saying welcome to those extra pounds. Even if you have to dine outside, choose from the menus carefully so that you eat the right food, low calorie food and replace the usual coke with lemon spiced water. It can save you a lot of calories and help you lose weight.

