Whereas most of the people who have overweight problems are struggling to keep the kilos off, others find it as challenging to put weight on. Being underweight is really a chronic problem, which is responsible for several health problems. Some of them are impaired immunity, anemia, bone/joint problems, the tendency to Vatika diseases and complications in surgery and slow recovery after illnesses.

It has been seen that it becomes difficult to gain weight even after taking proper diet enriched with minerals and vitamins, and regular workout. In this case, Ayurvedic weight gainer is the best solution to avail. NavPaurush – Ayurvedic weight gainer is 100% natural and effective to increase weight in a natural manner. It is enriched with natural herbs such as Shilajeet, TribulusTerrestris, Puerariatuberosa, ShankhBhasm, and Shilajeet. These ingredients help to pump up body weight by adding calories and essential nutrients to your body.

Ayurvedic weight gainer like NavPaurush is playing as an immunity booster and helpful in relieving from conditions like low body weight, emaciation, weakness, and general debility. The NavPaurush weight gainer is effective in creating a harmonious synergy in the body leading to a better metabolism, irrespective of age and gender. It is useful for increasing body weight and helps to regain vigor and vitality. It is formulated in such a way to improve immunity, regains vigor and vitality and tones up all the systems of the body.

Guidelines for Healthy Gain Weight

  • Eat healthy food (green vegetables, fresh fruits, high protein cereals) with an extremely high caloric value
  • Increase the consumption of food without consuming too much fat and sugar
  • The habit of taking breakfast regularly and timely, if you find it difficult to gain weight
  • Eat frequently at least for five or more meals a day
  • Have some snacks at bedtime may help to gain weight
  • Relax after having your meal
  • Do regular exercises