Website Speed

My website is loading slowly, especially on mobile phones. I think most of my users may be using mobile phones, so I think this is important. How can I make it faster? My site can be viewed at



  • You will likely want to put in a support ticket  so the tech team can have a look at what might be going on. That address wouldn't load at all, and I found the original address after a little research. loads very quickly, and it's the .com address that seems to be experiencing the difficulty. If you've purchased that domain name from someone other than Spruz, you'd want to also look into things there to make sure that everything is normal, and you've configured your domain properly. 

  • Thank you Randy.

    I realized the site wasn't loading after making this post so I did submit a ticket and they took care of it.

  • You are welcome, and I'm glad things are sorted.

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