This will depend on your members, if they have slow internet speed. Dialup members it will be useless to watch videos, but most people have high speed.
Some tips.
Create a separate video page & use categories, instead of dumping all videos together. For example, Classic Rock. Jazz. Dance Music and so on.
Add a "search video" that Spruz provided on this page.
Embed video size, no higher than 640, or 560, 480. If the videos are just a still picture use lower size. Remember larger videos size slow down a page.
Also under your main video page, add new 2 pages, one for "recent videos" & another for "featured video". You can use 20, 40, 50 videos on these pages.
VIDEOS (Main page Categories + Search videos)
- Featured videos (2nd page, add 20. 40. 50 videos to display)
- Recent videos (3rd page, add 20. 40. 50 videos to display)