Having a warm water shower or bath- experts recommend that you pour The Stop Snoring And Sleep Apnea Exercise Program Review warm water on yourself before going to bed. Having a bath with warm water will help loosen your muscles and you will relax more easily. The more you are relaxed and the less stressed you are the easier it is to fall asleep.Avoid alcohol, smoking, caffeine and foods that don't agree with before going to sleep- it is a good idea to keep away from caffeine, alcohol and other foods which do not agree with you. You should instead have dairy products, poultry and soy which contain sleep inducing amino acid tryptophan to fall asleep a little more easily.
You are probably reading this because either yourself, or a loved one, snores, and you have had enough. I'm not going to waste any more of your time, and get straight into providing solutions on how to cure snoring once and for all.Please note, I am not a doctor, so this information comes from a fellow sufferer's point of view.
Solution 1 - Sleeping Position Snoring usually happens because the soft tissue in your larynx blocks your air passage when you sleep. The tissue sags the most when sleeping on your back, so, the simplest solution is to try sleeping on your side.If you have a tendency to roll or move in your sleep, propping pillows in front and behind can help hold you in place. If you or a loved one is handy with a needle and thread, you could even try sewing the props to your sleepwear. If this solution doesn't help much (like in my case), then it's time to move on to a stronger measure.
Solution 2 - Changing Habits the other common reason for snoring is if you have an unhealthy habit, for example, if you are overweight, smoke, or drink a fair amount of alcohol. Any one of these can be a direct cause of your snoring, in which case you would need to do something about it.This solution obviously isn't easy, as you will need to make some (possibly big) life changes. Assess your own situation, and seek expert opinions and advice if you think you need to make these changes.