The most common cooking oils ...corn, safflower, cottonseed, soybean, peanut oil and any type of partially hydrogenated vegetable oil increase your risk of becoming overweight. They all interfere with normal insulin function and alter the regulation of your blood sugars.Kidney, pinto or lima beans, are packed with soluble fiber and will blunt the entry of sugar into your bloodstream. Soluble fiber also helps to lower your LDL (bad) cholesterol.Eating small meals more often, at regularly timed intervals, will give you much better blood sugar control rather than infrequent large meals. Large meals cause more sugar to enter your bloodstream quickly and make it difficult for your pancreas to produce insulin in proportion to the amount you eat at each sitting. Research show type 2 diabetics who eat smaller meals more often, make better food choices eating less sugary foods and less calories.

 Moderate exercise helps your muscle cells become sensitive to insulin. Insulin is the hormone that transports blood sugar out of your bloodstream and into your cells. Gradually increasing your activity to thirty minute sessions five or six times per week can often lower your blood sugar levels by fifty or more points. Exercise is really protective when used in conjunction with a low-GI eating plan.High insulin and blood sugar levels can be looked on as the result of taking in more food than the body can really manage ... so cutting back really will lessen the burden!

According to the online journal PLOS ONE, September 2017, dragon fruit could be an effective way to prevent and possibly control blood sugar levels in people who have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Scientists at Silpakorn and Mahidol Universities in Thailand reviewed four reports on dragon fruit and blood sugar control and analyzed them as if they were one large study... were included in the four studies. In the prediabetic participants, there was a significant reduction in fasting blood sugar among those who ate dragon fruit. Among the Type 2 diabetic participants, blood sugar lowering took place only at high doses.

So, will dragon fruit help to control Type 2 diabetes? One thing we know is it is nutritionally sound in measured quantities. The fruit provides vitamin C and several B vitamins as well as omega-3, omega-6, protein, and fiber. Watch portion sizes though, because the fruit also contains fructose. One hundred grams, or 3.5 ounces, has 60 calories. Isn't it great a food containing healthy nutrients could also be helpful for preventing and controlling Type 2 diabetes?
