Lap band surgery is very effective way for successful weight loss however it is always Ketogenic Accelerator recommended to take life long program as a next step to meet your goal of weight loss. The life long program involves routine programs from the surgeons regular adjustment of the band if necessary proper diet regular attendance of support group meeting etc. You need to work together with your doctor and weight-management team and follow their advice and suggestions to help yourself to loose their weight. You also need to learn as much as you can about gastric band so that you can understand every aspect of it.

Post lap band diets and nutrition is very important thing and needs special concern to be taken. If possible appoint a dietitian to help and assist you and make you learn about the changes need to be made in your lifestyle and eating habits. It is important to follow your dietitian regarding the eating and drinking habits immediately after completion of your operation.

On the other hand involving regular physical activity in you daily routine is as important as your nutritional plan. Patients often become sedentary because of decreased activity psychological constraints physical disability and other reasons. After lap band surgery aerobic activities particularly swimming walking is generally tolerated. So you need to consult your doctor regarding these activities to find which activity is right for you. To make lap band surgery work your self motivation and active participation is very important so now making gastric band is now your responsibility.
