A simple diet solution program, while jogging to lose weight, must include foods to have, as well as foods to avoid. The more calories you burn, the more you lose stubborn body fat, so it makes no sense to take in foods which only add high calorific value. Avoid energy drinks, sodas and fast foods. Include in your diet solution program a wide variety of fruits, nuts, and vegetables. Preferably these should be with the guidance of a trained nutritionist or dietitian.

Have 4-6 small meals through each day, and slow down the speed of your eating. Thorough chewing definitely helps the digestion process. Some nutritionists even suggest you should chew your food up to 20 times before swallowing so as to get the most out of your food. This assists the stomach to better assimilate the nutrients in the food. What is the benefit to your diet solution program? You will not feel as hungry and the need to eat again as fast.

10 Top Super foods for your diet solution program:

Almonds give you plenty of high protein & fiber, and its nutrients lower your feeling of hunger.

Apples are rich with vitamins & fiber, and help appease your hunger. The old adage ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away’ still holds true today, in this day and age.

Asparagus contains many nutrients which will flush the body of unwanted fatty deposits & poisons.

Avocados are rich in healthy unsaturated fats, assists in controlling your appetite, hormone regulation, and contributes to a more healthy heart.

Broccoli is a fine source of vitamins A + C, as well as fiber, and makes you feel full, especially when eaten raw. Yes, raw.

Grapefruits help you break down your stubborn fat while its fiber gives you a fullness feeling.

Green Leafy Vegetables are low in calories but rich in vitamin A, iron & fiber. They will also help in lowering your cholesterol.

Green Tea uses up calories to process and stimulate your brain & nervous system, so giving it a supply of energy through the day.

Oats contain complex carbohydrates which break down slowly in your body, providing you with energy to last you through the day. Additionally, oatmeal lowers high cholesterol and assists in appetite control.

Walnuts are a great source of fiber, vitamin E & omega-3 fatty acids which are responsible for reducing cholesterol. Eating just a handful of walnuts before meal lessens your need to overeat.

Foods To Avoid in your Diet Solution Program:

(1) Stop or limit the use of alcohol, sodas, diet sodas & energy drinks! Use water instead. Drinking water has no calories to burn, and your body needs it for its proper functioning. So it is by far the best beverage for your diet solution program.

(2) Avoid processed snacks & foods-processing takes away the nutrients you need to lose weight and replaces them with more fattening ingredients. Cut down on salt and sugar intake as they only make you more fat.

(3) Multigrain products are not to be chosen in preference to whole grain since multigrain is just another term for processed carbohydrates.


