Spruzstuff ~ Get that add functionality to your Spruz Powered Website

Website Title: Spruzstuff

Site Address: http://www.spruzstuff.spruz.com 

Creation date: April of 2009

Purpose: Helping Spruz Powered Website Owners


Spruzstuff is a website that offers both free and paid content that assists the owners of Spruz Powered Websites. You'll find custom modifiers, interactive tutorials, video tutorials, blog tips and tutorials, and a place to share your website with the community. Custom services are also offered at a paid rate, and include some of the following options: Theme Design, Minor Custom Development with Javascript, Page Design, SEO Optimization, & more.

Site Features:

Wiki: Within the wiki, you'll find all of the custom modifiers listed so far on the site. You'll also find answers to some of the most commonly asked questions regarding how-to's and ect...

Blogs: The blog feature of the site is mainly use for things that are not "of Spruz", but will still aid you in the process of creating your website, and maintaining it professionally.

Hot Topics: The Hot Topics uses the Discussion feature, and there you can post questions, make requests for content you'd like to see, suggest ideas for future Plugin development, and share any great findings that you have found on the internet that have aided you with putting your site together.

Plugin Store: The Plugin Store is where you will find products that add "extended functionality" to your Spruz Powered website. Some current plugin examples are: Making the activity feed auto update like Facebook's feed, checking the newsletter box at registration so people receive your Newsletters more often, and updating the message count in real time, while putting a number in the browser title bar as well. 

Videos: The videos page contains both tutorials for improving your website, as well as some demos for the Plugins that are sold in the Plugin Store. All of the demos however are viewable on the Spruzstuff Youtube Channel.

Share Your Site: This is a place where you can share your site with other Spruz Website Owners, and get an idea of what other people are doing with the Spruz Platform. This is a great way to get a link to your site out there for the search engines, as well as useful in seeing what you "could" be doing differently if needed.

Other Ways To Stay Updated:

Spruzstuff on Facebook & Spruzstuff Youtube Channel





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