Simple Easiest Home Remedies for Hair Fall Treatment


1. Coconut milk

Coconut milk is rich in essential fats, proteins, and minerals like potassium which are really good for hair re-growth and also controls hair fall. Grate coconut and squeeze its milk. Apply it to the scalp with a hairbrush. Then cover the scalp with a towel and leave it for 20-25 minutes approx. Then remove the towel and wash your hair with cold water and shampoo.


2. Egg yolk mask

The water-soluble peptides in egg yolk possess hair growth stimulating properties which is useful to treat hair loss. And it also makes your hair soft and smooth.



3. Yogurt

Yogurt is a rich source of probiotics, which are known to lead to an acidic pH. This can change the hair cuticles, giving you a shinier mane and preventing damage that may trigger hair breakage and loss.


4. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil contains antimicrobial and antioxidants properties that help fight scalp infections and strengthen your hair. Slightly warm coconut oil and start massaging your scalp in circular motions. You can also use olive, amla and almond oil instead of coconut oil for similar results.


5. Green Tea

Green tea is known as an excellent thing to boost hair growth and prevent hair fall. Soak two green tea bags in the hot water and let the water cool down. Then rinse your hair with this solution and keep massaging your scalp gently.




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