Knowledge Base

SPL Built-in Functions

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SPL can be a very powerful feature to give you more control and options for your website. With our built in SPL functions you can add advanced functions to your website. SPL built in functions can be used in any custom code or custom content box element.

Discussion Function


This function will draw a discussion box on your website that your users can comment with. Discussion_id must be a unique ID In our example below we use the SPL code for the current element ID number. Class allows us to group different discussions. In the example below we use element to classify the discussion. TOPIC is the name that is associated with the discussion. In the example below we use the SPL code for the element box name. Access Level sets the admin level required to moderate the discussion.

Code example: #draw_discussion("ele_$ele_id","element","$ele_name","9")#


Display Member Name with URL to profile


This function will display the member name with a link to the members profile. To create this we use the function and include the member GUID number for the person we are calling.


Retrieve a website within your website


This function allows you to retrieve and display information from other websites. Replace URL with the URL to the website and the post prams allows you to use additional values to post to that web page like in the example below.


#load_xmlhttp(""," ")#

Published:Sep 14th 2010
Modified:Sep 14th 2010

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