Venezuelan gold farmers aren't like the huge armies of bots unleashed on RuneScape gold and other games, sometimes by gold farming corporations. Instead, they often spend whole weeks and days farming independently, and they normally work alone, as opposed to as part of a organization. How a lot of these perform up -- to the point at which they sell the gold -- does not violate rules as straight as, say, with a bot.

"Runescape has ever been coping with enormous gold farming companies in China and other parts of the world," a player who goes by the handle Glow_Party maintained in a DM,"therefore [what] I can extrapolate from that is that the neighborhood seized the moment to blame [a single ] group of individuals [even though] they know these people won't make a difference on the market for Runescape gold" "If you tell them that by killing a player, they will be harming a family in a small country that nobody cares about, they won't mind killing that player."

Moreover, Runescape is a game that's always been aimed at a younger crowd, and young people often suffer from things like empathy and perspective. "Kids play with this game, and children like to troll," said Glow_Party. "I would not take some things these users say badly, since I can tell some of them are kids with very little life experience."

The situation puts Runescape programmer Jagex at a tricky spot, but it has to watch out for the health of its sport. "Gold farmers, where they're from, do wreck a market left unchecked can destroy it," senior product manager Mathew Kemp explained in an email. "It is very tough to put to some definitive figure on what effect they've got, but we can see changes in the player price of items in game when gold farmers focus on particular content."

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