If your thyroid gland is not functioning properly, it can affect you in a great way. The thyroid gland helps in the growth of the body. It helps in regulating energy levels. It helps with taking care of and regulating the other hormones present in the body. It helps with the metabolism process. And a thyroid that is not functioning can make you more and more heavy. It can make you look more obese due to poor metabolism taking place in the body. The thyroid gland helps with the growth of the body. Underperforming thyroid is termed as hypothyroidism and an overactive thyroid is called hyperthyroidism.

There are certain herbal supplements that can make the thyroid in functioning normally. Hypothyroidism can make you obese. Research before you order any product. Go in for products with customer reviews as it can help you get the best product for the condition that you are suffering from. Get the best thyroid health supplement that is available in the market. Always get feedback from those using these herbal health supplements. There are two conditions affecting the thyroid gland. They are hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. You will be able to restore the hormonal levels once you start taking in the correct thyroid herbal supplements.

They are safe as well as good. It helps in the normal functioning of the body. Through exercise and healthy diet along with thyroid health supplements, you will be able to lead a healthy lifestyle. It improves metabolism, in turn giving you more energy. It makes you active and feels good and healthy. Take in a diet that is low in carbohydrates and low in fats. Also, drink a lot of water every day to keep you well hydrated. To restore your hormonal balance and improve metabolism. Thus it helps you to have a healthy lifestyle.


Many of you report to my office with a complaint of being hypothyroid only to have been told by your primary care provider that you are normal on testing. Guess what? They are correct!! But, so are you. However, they have not gone far enough to document what you know to be true. Your thyroid gland most of the time is producing adequate amounts of the thyroid. However, after it leaves the gland, the brain takes over and it responds to environmental cues, sleep, stress, exercise, etc. This response changes the activity of enzymes that control the conversion of your thyroid hormone to its more active form known as T3. This has to be assessed to adequately determine your true thyroid activity. I have included a feedback chart below of this physiology.


