The first thing you want to do when learning how to build chest muscles fast is to concentrate on the negative portion of each rep. This is where you are lowering the weight to the chest after pushing it up and contracting the muscle. What you will do is slow down your negatives so that you are concentrating on feeling it in your muscle. This causes the muscle to get more pressure or strain which in turn will put more mass on your pecs. I recommend that you have a spotter when doing something like this because you will have times where you get so tired that you will not be able to push the weight back up again.

The second thing that is you must do is to separate your chest workout into different parts. There are about 4 different parts of your chest you can work. When learning how to build chest muscles fast you need to have exercises that hit the upper, lower, inner, and outer chest. By doing this you will increase the chests workload therefore adding more mass. For example when doing upper chest exercises you will do incline bench and incline dumbbell press. For lower chest there is barbell and dumbbell decline presses. The inner chest can be worked with exercises like the pec deck and cable crossovers. The outer chest is worked by doing standard benching with a wide grip. Stick to these two rules and you will add mass to your chest in no time flat.

From something that only body builders used to have, ripped abs have become the holy grail of fitness. And one can not really blame men from working on their abs. With those six packs and those great muscular arms, you will be an instant hit with the ladies just like Brad Pitt.But it is not as easy as it seems. Like everything else, you need to work on it hard and persist. Commitment is important. It will also take a while before you can achieve such abs. Don't believe those tall tales about a neighbor losing about fifteen pounds in just a week because of dieting or that diet pill testimonial. Most of these people who have purportedly lost pounds would have starved themselves before they can achieve such a feat and because they have lost pounds so easily, they would have gained them just as quickly.

So forget the term "crash diet" because it will cause your metabolism to slow down. What you need is to change your lifestyle, which will help you achieve your health and fitness goals and of course the proper work out and exercise. The answer is always exercise. Too much dieting can be dangerous. After all, even if you have great abs but if you are too tired to walk or to run, you will still not be happy. You need to be both fit and healthy and with ripped abs. So again, diet pills and crash dieting do not work. They will only harm your body and drain you of nutrients and energy.
