The resting time between each set is 30 seconds and you will train your  Fat Burning Kitchen Review   muscle until it cannot do another repetition. By doing this, you will force your body to build lean muscle and these muscles that will burn calories non-stop everyday. Not only that, these lean muscles will make you look sexier than before. Don't you just love it, now you will lose weight and look sexier at the same time! I hope you enjoy these how to lose weight in 2 weeks tips.

Statistics show that two thirds of people who go on a diet will regain their weight in one year or less and 97% will gain all the weight back or even more within five years. To prevent getting fat all over again and achieve long term weight control requires a change in body chemistry. Exercise is the most effective means to change your metabolism so that your body converts fewer calories to fat.

Increase your muscle mass by lifting weights. More muscle means a faster metabolism because muscle uses more energy to exist than fat. If you increase muscle mass, you increase the number of calories your body burns every moment of the day. Increase your aerobic exercise. Muscles only burn fat in the presence of oxygen. Fairly gentle aerobic exercise trains muscle to burn fat and increase metabolism but if you are winded or out of breath your fat burning mechanism will shut down.

Include higher intensity routines to your exercise plan. When you force your body to raise the level of intensity, you are forcing your body to recover under stress which burns more fat. If you're riding a bike, pedal faster for several seconds, if you're walking, spend 30 to 90 seconds walking faster than normal on a hill. Eat several small meals throughout the day.
