Good morning my name is Jan,


I hjave oepned anothet new web site group for Mental Health here is the web link

Here is a descritpion we have 8 chat rooms all different topics from parenting and addiction and Bipolar rooms etc.


We believe that people become empowered to help themselves and others when they feel a part of something. Sharing in your journey with others will help take the focus off of yourself and in return I feel, and have heard others as well state that they felt much gratification that their story, and or struggles, just may be for a reason, to help those struggling, and in reaching out to those whom don't have a voice yet!

We offer to help those individuals diagnosed by sharing coping mechanisms, in hopes to learn from each other's struggles, and possibly be able to lend a helping hand in helping someone else.... Communicating, sharing, and connecting with others in a community will have a positive effect on healing in your life¦.

If you have been diagnosed with any Mental Health Disorder we Welcome you to this Peer Support Community / Group. We offer you to give and gain Peer Support through your journey of symptoms, triggers, treatment, and recovery. We do not participate in our Support Group Community as Professionals! We are Advocates on The Road to Recovery!



Mood disorders are Mental Health Disorders that involve Emotional Disturbances consisting of long periods of excessive Sadness (Depression), excessive Joyousness or Elation (Mania), or both. Depression and Mania represent the two Extremes, or Poles, of Mood Disorders.

Mood Disorders are categorized as Depressive,  Bipolar, and or Anxiety Related Disorders.

Sadness and Joy (elation) are part of everyday life. Sadness is a universal response to defeat, disappointment, and other discouraging situations. Joy is a universal response to Success, Achievement, and other Encouraging situations. Grief, a form of sadness, is considered a normal emotional response to a loss. Bereavement refers specifically to the emotional response to death of a loved one.

A Mood Disorder is diagnosed when Sadness or Elation is overly intense and persistent, is accompanied by a requisite number of other mood disorder symptoms, and significantly impairs the person's capacity to function. In such cases, intense sadness is termed Depression, and intense Elation is termed Mania. Depressive Disorders are characterized by depression; Bipolar Disorders are characterized by varying combinations of Depression and Mania.


Look forward to seeoing some new members no pressure also we send out a news letter for up to date information on certain diagnosis and we also have a blog @ hope you dinf it of interest.


LOL have a good day sincerely Jan God Bless
