If you don't like the answer, it is time Zen12 to change. I suggest that you figure out what it is that you WANT to be doing, and then devise a plan to make it happen. This might take a little time, but what else would you be doing? What's your purpose? What's your mission? What's your passion? How can you make the world a better place? The world needs people that take action and make things happen. What impact will you make on other people's lives? How will you do it? Why not start today? After all, what are you doing? Temporary defeat can often be the biggest blessing in disguise, if you are persistent, you will win, no matter how many temporary failures you may have.

We look at successful people today and often think they are lucky, had a privileged upbringing, had rich parents, or just managed to be in the right place at the right time. You know - nothing could be further from the truth! The great majority of the hugely successful people have had some major failures, but, instead of letting that temporary inconvenience destroy them, know them out of the game completely, they get back up, dust themselves off and try again, and again, and again until they get what they want.

Usually being bankrupt wipes a person out, financially, mentally, spiritually, even sometimes physically. However, many super successful people have been bankrupt many times, yet they keep on keeping on through numerous hardships and continual ridicule by those who wish to keep them small (usually like themselves). Instead of trying to knock these super successful people off their feet (so to speak), we should learn from them, embrace their words, copy their actions.


