Brad Heutmaker in the fall of 2006 weighed 255 pounds and just discovered he had Type 2 Diabetes, from that moment his life changed. By the next fall Brad lost 75 pounds controlling the Type 2 Diabetes, and in 2008 he ran his first marathon.

Brad writes and speaks about his experiences losing weight and Internet marketing. Professionally Brad consults with 45 Insurance Agents on the use of Internet marketing in their businesses. He graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh with a Bachelor of Arts in Radio/TV/Film in 1996, and earned a MBA in E-Business in 2004.

In order to maximize long-term gains, measured in months and years, as opposed to days, you need to have a longer term plan for success and that plan should include the concept of periodization. Periodization is a fancy name for focusing on a specific physical adaptation for a short period of time, before changing to focus on another adaptation.
