The truth is these factors are not the underlying  StrictionD  cause of diabetes. They do put you at a much higher risk of being susceptible to the underlying cause. They also make the disease worse if you already have it. However, and I want to really emphasize this to you, these factors are NOT the cause of the disease. Does this surprise you? Of course it does because the vast majority of people have no idea what really causes diabetes. However, I am about to tell you what really causes diabetes and I hope you will help spread the word. If more people knew about this, we could lower the rates of diabetes and even reverse it.

The real cause lies in a radical change that took place in our food supply in the early 1900's. This major change was the introduction of hydrogenated vegetable oils to replace oils and fats derived from animals and natural vegetable oils like flaxseed oil. Shortening replaced lard. Margarine replaced real butter. Cooking oils for frying in large part became hydrogenated vegetable oil that stayed liquid at room temperature. Hydrogenation creates trans fat!

Like many things in life, the change to hydrogenated oil was profit-driven. I want to emphasize that companies were not originally trying to create a healthier food substitute when they introduced shortening and margarine, as many people who don't know the history assume. In fact, there was a raging debate over the safety of hydrogenated oils during the 1920's and 1930's. People were very slow to accept the new chemically altered oils. In fact, Procter and Gamble was so desperate at one point to get consumers to accept Crisco, they were giving away 2 1/2 gallon containers of it. Even when it was free, people were reluctant to take it.

If it hadn't been for the Great Depression and then World War 2, consumers may never have accepted hydrogenated oils. The depression hit people so hard it made people do things they wouldn't normally do. Hydrogenated oils like margarine and Crisco were significantly cheaper than real butter and pig lard. The low price helped finally win over people.
