Login Box Horizontally

I am having difficulty trying to make the login box horizontally.

Anyone know the full code?

And where to paste the code.



The first one is bulky and takes up more space. I am trying to figure out the second one.



This was Spruz old code.

<h4 style="text-align: center; font-weight: normal;">Welcome to<br>$site_name</h4><form method="POST" action="/?page=login&cmd=passme"><p><b>Email:</b><br><input type="text" NAME="useremail" size="22" style="width:140px;"></p><p><b>Password:</b><br><input TYPE="password" NAME="password" size="22" style="width:140px;"></p><p><input type="submit" value="Login" name="B1"><input type="button" value="Register" name="B2" onclick="location.href='/?page=login&cmd=register'"></p></form>



  • Just take all of the p tags and br tags out of it.

  • I add the code without the p, br tags below to an html box, not sure where else to put it.

    It looks good, however when I sign on it still shows email, password, login & register. Instead of Profile - Inbox - Invite - Options

    <h4 style="text-align: left; font-weight: normal;">Welcome to $site_name</h4><form method="POST" action="/?page=login&cmd=passme"><b>Email:</b><input type="text" NAME="useremail" size="23"style="width:160px;"><b>Password:</b><input TYPE="password" NAME="password" size="23" style="width:160px;"><input type="submit" value="Login" name="B1"><input type="button" value="Register"name="B2" onclick="location.href='/?page=login&cmd=register'"></form>


    This shows when I am sign on & off.



  • Unless you know javascript, there is really just one option if you want it to be on all pages. You'd put it in the content template for the welcome line when people aren't signed in. The content in that welcome bar changes once they are logged in, so then they'd see the welcome line instead.

    If it doesn't have to be on all pages however, then naturally you'd just create a landing page that only people not logged in will see, and then once they are logged in, they can't get to that page anymore.

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