The most probable area would be warm, wet places  Fungus Eliminator Review is a good place where fungus most likely thrive. If you often wear heavy work boots that make your feet warm and sweaty, the fungus can grow around your toenails and you are more likely to contract toenail infection. Sometimes several people in a family will get nail fungal infections in their nails at the same time. This happens because their immune system is not able to fight off the infection or because the infection is being passed on when they use the same towels. So let us remember to be safe and clean in the household and keep our own towels to avoid spreading diseases or infections around.

Here are some of the most common ways where people can get toenail fungus infections: This disease could spread from a fungal skin infection. For example, athlete foot is a fungal skin infection of the toes. This may spread to the toenails if the skin infection is not treated early or if you use the same towel/cotton to dry the unaffected areas. Fingernail infection may occur after a toenail infection has become established. The fungus may spread to a finger if you scratch your itchy toes and toenails. If your hands are constantly in water, nail fungus infections are also more likely to occur. Especially, if you wash your hands frequently, or have them in water a lot.

If you have other health conditions, for example: diabetes, psoriasis, poor circulation, poor immune system (if you have AIDS or are on chemotherapy) or general poor state of health. Smoking also increases the risk of developing a nail infection. To treat this problem you can either take pills, natural topical application or use antifungal nail lacquer to do the trick.
