Another disease to be cautious about is diabetes. Consumption of too much sweets and carbohydrates might lead to the development of this disease. Diabetes is a condition wherein too much sugar accumulates in the blood. Weight loss is encouraged by doctors for the benefit of the patient.

If the condition of the person does not permit him to undergo physical activities to lose weight, weight loss surgery or, in medical terms bariatric surgery, is usually performed. In this process, the stomach is operated on to make it smaller. Aside from the things mentioned above, obese or overweight people generally find it hard to perform physical activities because of their size.

They find it difficult to run, to climb the stairs, and others. Their size and weight restricts them from doing their daily activities. A large body size also lowers the self-esteem and confidence of the person because most of the time, he does not feel good about his body. He would usually envy those who have an attractive body figure. Losing their extra weight would really help build up their self-esteem again.
