So I embeded some videos onto my site and they already have comments and a viewcount, but the video provider has discontinued my account and I need to use a temporary video hosting service for now and re-upload my older videos to another service, then edit the embed code, but I can't do that. Is there any way that I can? If not, I could pay a little extra, but currently all my videos are like this and don't play.
Very frustrating for me and my viewers. Not Spruz's fault, but like I said, I don't want to delete all my videos Iv'e already posted and re-post, they were posted over the course of a couple years, the date's show when they were uploaded, have comments and the number of views. It'd be a lot better if I could just edit the embed code with a different video. Haven't uploaded my most recent videos because I don't have a secure video hosting service yet and as of now, won't be able to change the embed code. I don't think there is a way to chance it? But that would really help a lot if I could, somehow. Thanks.