Say you trained hard and with a lot of volume Monday and Tuesday and you eat heavily (deservedly), then Wednesday you only perform a light workout, say some cardio or abs. Wouldn't it make sense to reduce calories a little and try and just eat 'adequate' amounts of calories and not eat nonsensical amounts? You could even take it a step further and have a big breakfast Wednesday that would aid recovery from the Tuesday session. Recover but then reduce portion sizes and calorie intake for the rest of the day.Sounds simple doesn't it? It's surprising how many people do not follow this practice because it simply didn't enter their mind. In reality you are 'Micro-Cutting' and 'Micro Bulking'. Eliminating long 12 and 16 week bulking phases and torturous 12 week cutting phases.

There is an argument that you need to burn 3500 calories in order to burn a pound of fat and you have to be in a caloric deficit. And to gain muscle you need to take in extra calories. True, but it doesn't have to be weeks of surplus calories, only enough to recover from the training session, similarly, you can lose fat today and gain muscle tomorrow. Bulking phases and cutting up do not necessarily have to be these long and stressful periods of time.

The idea of having 6 pack abs is often the stuff of dreams for many of us. Considered to be a symbol of a great physique, having a developed midsection is something everyone wants but not everyone can achieve. People are ready to invest a lot of time and effort just to possess them. However, developing such abdominal muscles to this high of a degree is not that easy for everyone. Indeed, any worthwhile effort such as this needs a lot of dedication, patience and the right combination of exercise and diet.

There are many exercises one can perform to develop abdominal muscles, but exercise alone will not achieve that chiselled look. When people don't see the results they get irritated and frustrated. But what they don't understand is that developing 6 pack abs is not about how many crunches one does, rather it's about the right combination of techniques one employs. The main idea of having a well sculpted midsection is to eliminate that fat layer covering the muscles. The appropriate way to sculpt this area is to combine the right type of exercise with the right type of diet. Lowering body fat is the key to developing and revealing abdominal muscles. Typically, men have to lower their body fat content below 8% and women need to work even more and reduce the body fat below 14%.
