The truth is that it really hasn't been hidden, it just hasn't Ketogenic Accelerator been known to the people around the world. It has been used effectively by those in the region to suppress appetite for ages. One of the major problems when it was first exported to other countries is that people didn't know which part of the plant to use. We now know that the core of the hoodia plant is where the effective ingredients are found.
Many of the first products that came out were made of the entire plant and didn't give the kind of results that were possible. Later on, companies began to understand that the core was far more effective. The reputable ones then started using only the core. It would have been nice if all of them began to do this but the truth of the matter is that many didn't because using the entire plant is cheaper.
That's one reason why you should be a little bit suspicious about products that offer hoodia for very low prices. There are a few different ways that you can do this, and you can identify better products if you know what to look for. One of the first red flags is to discover other ingredients in the formulation.
Most of the time, you'll find that these ingredients are things you have never heard of before. Wouldn't it make sense if hoodia was so effective that it would be the only thing you found in a good diet pill? Of course it would be, and the additional ingredients are simply filler.
If you really want to know, you should look at the amount that you get daily through a hoodia supplement. If you are not getting at least 1000 mg, then you won't be getting enough to make a real difference. Less than that and you will not be able to enjoy the incredible appetite suppressing abilities that this plant has.