As you might have seen on Discovery Channel, wind Patriot Power Generator Review power generators are fast becoming a choice amongst home owners who want to cut down on their monthly electrical bills. For some, making their own wind generator is a far more cheaper alternative than to purchase a factory produced unit that costs thousands of dollars each. So how do you make wind power generators for your home use?

A wind power generator makes use of wind energy to rotate a set of blades that in turn transfers the kinetic energy to a motor to produce a wild three-phase AC which is not usable by electrical appliances. This raw current is then fed to a rectifier to be converted to DC which is used to either directly power some of your electrical devices, or inverted to AC to power your AC appliances. Conventional models used to have batteries where the electricity is being stored, but in many modern wind power generators this electricity is goes straight to the home grid supply.

To make your own home wind power system, you would need to find a good sturdy material that would not break or bend no matter how bad the weather turns. PVC is the most widely accepted material to use to make the turbine blades for your system. A PVC pipe is best used for the blades because of its already curved form.
