Having you Site noticed on Search Engines like Google

Hi, I have punched in all the key words to get our site picked up on Google Search as well as any other Search Engine but so far it is unnoticed.. What do we have to do to make this happen? Paying for a Web Site is not cool when no one can find you ...(especially when your site is not listed as private)...What do we have to do to make it noticed by the search engines?



  • It's really a matter of many many things honestly. The most important thing that being picked up by a search engine requires is time. It's definitely not going to happen overnight, and depending on the keywords you are after, it could take quite some time. Google won't even list you for your own website name being typed into the search bar by someone else for at least several weeks, and sometimes longer. You can register your site with google webmaster tools to help things like that along.

    As far as getting picked up for your keywords that you listed, there are many factors. It's a good idea to pick very targeted "niche" style keywords at first, because the more popular your keywords, the less chance you will get a first of second page ranking. For example "social network" is going to be full of websites that have millions of views each month, tons of sites linking to their sites, and quite likely a large spending wallet funding their marketing of the site. That's hard to compete with. But, "Donkey Social Networking", I'm sure is wide open, and you'd be the first result. That's just an example, but I'm sure it gives an idea. Pick something that makes your site unique, and stress that uniqueness in keywords you give. It's also worth mention that your keywords should be used in context on your page, and not just placed within the management section of your site. Google doesn't rely on keywords anymore due to abuse, and looks more through your site's actual content instead. There are still a few search engine that do use keywords in the meta tags to index your site, but they are not the giants, and few and far in between. Most follow the rule of "do both" to avoid missing out on potential benefits.


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