If you feel you're too skinny then it is possible you've tried everything under the sun to achieve some muscle gain. Just because you haven't gained the muscle you want doesn't mean you can't, and there could be a number of different reasons why you have had a hard time doing so.One of the biggest problems that keep skinny guys from achieving the mass muscle gain they desire is their genetics. If you can hardly achieve any muscle gain after you have ate a lot and trained intensely then you are what's known as a hardgainer. Thankfully, if you're a hardgainer there are some muscle gain secrets you can learn that will kill your skinny guy image once and for all.

The first muscle gain secret a skinny guy must learn is how to weight train properly to quickly build mass muscles. When weight training you have to use equipment that enables variable resistance. Free weights such as bar bells and dumbbells are great for this type of resistance, body weight exercises such as dips and pull ups are also helpful.Also, when you're trying to gain muscle you must train with heavy weights and perform low reps. You should only be able to do 4 to 8 reps with the heavy weights you use. You see, when you use heavy weights and perform low reps it will put your muscles and nervous system under a lot of stress, thus stimulating more of your muscle fibers and creating fast muscle gain.

The next muscle gain secret for a skinny guy is to eat more calories. If you are tired of being skinny you have to eat enough calories an gain weight. The only way you are going to build new muscle fast is by increasing your calorie surplus through eating more calories than your body burns.When you eat more calories than your body needs, all the extra calories will be used by your body to build and repair new muscle tissue which got damaged while lifting those heavy weights.

Now you can't eat just anything since all calories are not created equally. Most of the weight you gain would be fat if you eat mostly processed junk food. Such foods are not going to provide you with the proper nutrients you need for muscle gain, because these foods contain empty calories that provide no nutrition.The next muscle gain secret for skinny guys is to eat more proteins, because without protein your body will not be able to build new muscle. You need high quality protein your body can break down into amino acids to build and repair muscle.




