As mentioned, the symptoms of diabetes are mostly similar. Gluco Neuro Blood Sugar Regulator Review  The two types of diabetes symptoms are the type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. Both types is the result of the cell's of the body not having adequate supply of glucose when and where they need it. The body reacts to the wrong amount of glucose the cells get as compared the amount of glucose they need. Type one diabetes can be best described as the body's lack of insulin. Insulin producing cells have been destroying causing the lack of insulin, resulting to too much glucose in the bloodstream.  There are far too much glucose supplied and there are not enough cells to consume it. On the other hand, type 2 diabetes can be best described as the body being resistant to the effects of the insulin. Even though there is enough insulin supply, type 2 diabetes still occurs since the body has an adverse reaction to insulin. Glucose continuously goes around the bloodstream and it does not reach much of the cells of the body.

Whether having too much or too little glucose in the bloodstream does cause a number of problems. Urinating and having excessive trips to the bathroom is one of the warning signs of diabetes. The kidney suffers because there is too much sugar in the blood - the kidneys can no longer filter glucose into the blood (either because of the lack of insulin or the body's no reaction to insulin). As a reaction, the kidney simply tries to draw more water out of the bloodstream in an attempt to reduce the blood sugar levels. This results to excessive urination.

Another problem patients with diabetes encounter is retinopathy or diabetes eye problems. Blurred vision can be experience from time to time. Aside from having difficulties in seeing clearly, patients must also face diabetes and foot problems. Numbness on the feet and hands are among the many common diabetes symptoms. If not treated, the foot problems may lead to nerve damage in the extremities such as the legs, hands, and feet or also known as neuropathy. Worst comes to worse, amputation may be the last resort to remedy this complication brought about by diabetes.
