Forum Order

Is there a way to make the replies in the forums go newest to oldest? When someone replies to a forum and there a 2 or more pages, I noticed that the old replies are seen first, you have to go to the last page to see the newst entries. Is there a way to change this?




  • Reply
  • To be clear, are you talking about the older but discontinued for new members "Forum" feature, or are you talking about the "Discussions" page?

  • I remember that forum, they were actually better, with the signatures and they were more customizable too...But I mean the order of the posts. You go into the..I guess now its called discussion page, and the old posts are seen 1st. You have to physically go to the #s on the bottom to see the newest posts. Is there a way to see the new posts first?

  • Anything?

  • I don't believe there is any way to change the order of the posts unfortunately, though I agree there should be.

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