And for Evolutionists, yes it has been difficult for  Individualogist Review them without any real proof of evolution and in the face of such weathered opposition, but as Christian scientists have demonstrated, it is possible to believe in God and evolution too. Belief in one does not disqualify the other. In fact, for many who probe the miracles and phenomenon of our infinite universe, acceptance of the other side's ideas has only strengthened their own beliefs.

But still, on the verge of a great coming together of minds, there are those who feel that they have everything to lose. Besides, tickets to a prize fight sellout over an intellectual gathering every time. Now think about life as a young adult, when the creeds and logic of our parents sometimes faltered when challenged by the realities of the world? Perhaps the similarities between Creationists and Evolutionists go beyond the explanations of life. Perhaps the real motivation for the staunch protectors of Creationism and the slide-rule wielding defenders of evolution is that no matter how hard either side tries to defend itself, acceptance will always be a matter of faith.

Enoch is the human archetype of the sacred art of knowing God. History records the myths and legends of persons who lived at a level of God-consciousness never realized by the majority of their contemporaries. A few of them are Buddha, Abraham, Lao Tzu, Moses, Confucius, Mary the mother of Jesus, Saint Paul, Muhammad, St. Francis of Assisi, and, more recently,Mohandas Gandhi, Mother Teresa, and the Dalai Lama. There are many, many others, of course. Jesus lived at this level, too. In fact, most Christians believe Jesus embodied the Divine presence in his earthly life more completely than any other person who has ever lived.
