Stay On Target: Keep your goals clearly in your view every day. Manifestation Magic Review Makes steps each day to get you closer to your life goals and manage your work-life balance, happiness and health. Remember your work-life balance should make you happier, increase personal and professional growth,decrease stress,manage your time more effectively, make you more secure at home and at work, feel satisfied and achieved.
Limit your time on the cell phone. Is all that talking or texting really necessary? Use some of this freed up time for you. Is it necessary to stay at work late or do you need to learn to feel more secure and prioritize and use time and stress management throughout your day? Don't answer the phone when eating dinner, believe me, if it is that important they will leave a message or call back. Learn to give me time to yourself to recharge your battery. Find your inner contentment and stay centered every day for a better you and life. Invest in Yourself every day. If you don't already know, I am a fan of Survivor. So, when I was watching the first episode of the "Fans vs Favorites" season (2008) with my daughter, I laughed out loud at the difference in attitudes. "What do I mean?", you ask.
I laughed when the two tribes met for the first time. This is when they meet and attempt to whip each other at some physical contest. One tribe is made up of previous Survivor players, who were either favorites or favorite people to hate. The other tribe is made up of first-time players who are big fans. After they spent a night in the wild, (without fire, food, or fun) they came together for the first competition and I laughed while my daughter looked on, confused.
"Why are you laughing, Dad?", she said. "Because you can look at those two tribes and see the advantage the favorites have because of their attitude." "What do you mean?" "When I was in the Marine Corps, one of the most feared experiences was the Gas Chamber," I replied. Why? Can you imagine waking into a room full of swirling, fog that is composed of who-knows-what kind of chemicals; burning your eyes, throat, and nose? It also makes all the mucous in your body, exit you body through your nose. This also is not a fun experience.