Calcium is important for our health. It should be in our blood and  The Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy Review bones. However the same calcium gets into other parts of our body giving troubles. It will seep into large blood vessels near the heart and calcify them. The result is thickening of the walls of the vessel affecting the free flow of blood. Cardiovascular diseases are bound to happen. Vitamin K2 prevents calcification. Vitamin K dosing could be a solution.

Soft tissues are the cushion in our body. The calcium calcifies them. It can also be prevented by vitamin K2. Some people will have extra bone growth called spur. It is seen in hip, knees, toes, hands and spine. When this extra growth rubs nearby bones or tissues severe pain will arise. When calcium enters into the spur, the process becomes irreversible. Vitamin K2 is the savior. Vitamin k1 is responsible for controlling the blood clot. It keeps the viscosity of the blood. Vitamin K is available in many meat products especially in liver and eggs. Yoghurt has vitamin K. Also one can find this nutrition in carrot, broccoli, soy beans etc.

Please remember that taking vitamin K dosing in isolation is not good. There is no precise dosage so far that can be prescribed. However for a normal person 180 mcg of vitamin K2 is desired. However by taking the above meat and vegetables one cannot control. The best alternative is natural nutrition supplement. Here again one has to be careful to choose the right one. 

Daily I am able to take the above vitamin K dosing through a fantastic natural nutrition supplement along with other 70 natural herbs and salts. This is the holistic approach. Visit my website to find more on vitamin K. The U.S. National Institute of Health has released a great deal of research over the past couple years about the correlation between eating fruits and vegetables and the reduced risk of developing coronary heart disease, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.
