When insulin levels decreased in low StrictionD blood sugar can rise very high and threaten the lives of patients. Symptoms include skin redness, hot and dry, his breath smells strange, people feel anxious, sleepy, sleep, difficulty waking up, the kids can we less active, tired eating, abdominal pain, vomiting, not sharp.As the disease becomes severe can cause difficulty breathing, swelling of the brain, coma or death. But if the additional regular insulin your blood sugar level will allow you to avoid the dangers of the disease.

The main symptoms of low blood sugar are sweating (almost always sweating), nervousness, tremors, weak body fatigue, dizziness, headache, no longer lucid, slurred raised.Low blood sugar when the sugar (glucose) in the blood falls below the level allowing to maintain the normal functioning of the body. People at risk are those who do not eat enough, skipping meals, drinking too much medicine containing insulin, excessive exercise makes blood sugar levels rapidly decrease.

If blood sugar drops low (less than 20mg/dl), you may faint or have seizures. As is the case then you should be eating or drinking beverages that contain sugar to draw your blood sugar levels return to safe levels. But when your expression with serious you need to now the medical establishment to be the best care.You must check your blood sugar 3 times or more in a day to ensure that sugar levels allow. You should have a check in the amount of sugar to regular inspection. You should maintain close contact with your doctor to know your blood sugar levels within permitted. You should regularly check blood pressure and cholesterol levels as if these indicators will highly increase the risk of diabetes complications.


