Physical Inactivity A sedentary lifestyle is known StrictionD Review to cause diabetes. This combined with obesity is one of the major risk factors of diabetes. In fact studies have shown that people with diabetes typically eat much more, are fatter and have a less active lifestyle than their own siblings. Obesity A body mass index higher than 30 is a sure sign of impending diabetes. The heavier the body, the higher is the energy requirements of the cells. The pancreas keeps producing additional insulin till one day it just tires out and stops working. This will lead to an increase in blood sugar levels as the cells are no longer able to convert that into energy. Childhood obesity is also known to cause diabetes at a later stage in life.

Smoking Frequent smoking is another cause of Type II diabetes. Smoking is found to increase fasting glucose levels and some studies have shown that smokers have almost a 50% increased chance of developing diabetes than non smokers. In addition smoking can also aggravate the symptoms in a diabetic patient as it increases the chances of high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure which are harmful to a diabetic patient. Diet A fat and carbohydrate rich diet can cause diabetes and increase the risk factors in patients already suffering from the disease.

Alcohol A high dose of alcohol can also be a cause of Type II diabetes. Heavy alcohol use can lead to lever diseases which in turn can cause obesity and thus lead to Type II diabetes. Age Type II diabetes usually manifests itself after the age of 45, although it can be seen rarely in younger people too. Age is a major risk factor of Type II diabetes and affects more than 10% of world population above the age of 65.
